The Alan Turing Cryptography Competition

2023 edition. From the people behind the MathsBombe Competition.
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Chapter 1

Ellie's messenger pinged. "Bored?", said the message. "Can you solve this puzzle from the North Atlantic? M."

20 pictures, arranged in a grid with 4 rows and 5 columns. The pictures are: A tumbler containing a small measure of an alcoholic beverage; A piece of red plastic from a board game, shaped like a large building; The greek letter alpha; A can of orange Tango; The Indian flag; The flag of Sierra Leone; An Amazon Echo Dot; A map of the India; A woman playing golf; A large building next to a swimming pool and a palm tree; A can of apple Tango; A can of dark berry Tango; The Indian flag; A picture of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc wearing a baseball cap and holding a book; A diagram of a boy shouting at a wall and the sound waves being reflected; The desktop of macOS Sierra; Two people ballroom dancing; Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street in a garbage can; Two school uniforms on an orange background; A silhouette of two figures: a woman is standing on a balcony with a man standing beneath; an arrow is pointing at the man.

Alan Turing Cryptography Competition 2023 is organised by the The Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester.
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