North British Semigroups and Applications Network

NBSAN is a new network of researchers in Scotland and Northern England with interests in semigroup theory and its applications. It is funded by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society, and will organise about 3 meetings per year in different locations around the region. The main participant universities are Heriot-Watt, Manchester, St Andrews and York, but our activities are open to all interested researchers. We especially welcome participation by graduate students.

The first meeting, which was dedicated to the memory of Douglas Munn (1929-2008), was held in York on Wednesday 28th January 2009. The s York on Wednesday 28th January 2009. We will be in room V/123 (Vanbrugh College) for the first two talks and in room P/T/006 (Physics and Electronics Building) from the first coffee break onwards; see the practical information on travelling to the University and the map of the Heslington Campus. The provisional schedule is as follows:

11:45Roger Kirk CentreEarly arrivers meet for informal lunch
12:20     Room V/123Welcome
12:30Room V/123John Fountain (York, expository talk) - The Mathematical Work of Douglas Munn and its Influence
13:30Room V/123Nik Ruskuc (St Andrews, open problem talk) - One Relation Semigroups
14:00Room P/T/006Coffee, Tea and Solving The Open Problem
14:30Room P/T/006Rebecca Noonan Heale (Heriot-Watt) - Green's Relations for Semigroup Graph Expansions
15:00Room P/T/006Yann H. Peresse (St Andrews) - Generating Transformation Semigroups using Endomorphisms of Preorders, Graphs and Similarity Relations
15:30Room P/T/006Pedro V. Silva (Porto) - The Generalized Conjugacy Problem for Virtually Free Groups
16:00Room P/T/006Coffee, Tea and Solving Other Open Problems
16:30Room P/T/006Jorge Almeida (Porto) - The Mysteries of Free Profinite Semigroups: a Sneak Preview
18:00Somewhere Near the Station    Dinner

For more information about the York meeting, contact the organisers Victoria Gould and Mark Kambites.

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