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Department of Mathematics

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Events in the Department of Mathematics

Find out more about events, seminars and public lectures in the Department of Mathematics.

Hananeh Ailee -- Maths in the Life Sciences Seminar [IN PERSON]

14:00 - 15:00 25 November 2024

Join us for this seminar by Hananeh Ailee (Sanger) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathematical Biology and Data Sciences. More details about the joint series can be found here . The talk will be hosted in person in room 1.34 of the Simon Building. For those who cannot attend in person the...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Fabio Cuzzolin

11:00 - 12:00 27 November 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. Fabio Cuzzolin short bio: I am a Professor of Artificial Intelligence and the Director of the Visual Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, a thriving research unit comprising...

Samir Ghadiali -- Maths in the Life Sciences Seminar [IN PERSON]

14:00 - 15:00 09 December 2024

Join us for this seminar by Samir Ghadiali (Ohio) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathematical Biology and Data Sciences. More details about the joint series can be found here . The talk will be hosted in person in room 1.34 of the Simon Building. For those who cannot attend in person the...